Friday, February 4, 2011

Support Christina's Participation in a Human Rights Delegation in Rwanda

Dear Family and Friends, 
My greatest aspiration is to help create a better world.  In 2005 when I returned from my summer in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, I decided that before I would ever feel comfortable volunteering beyond our borders, I would seek to learn and serve my own country as much as I could.  After 5 years of dedicating every summer to exploring poverty and social justice here in Canada, I feel comfortable with my knowledge and experiences in my own country, and ready to go abroad!  
In December I was selected as a participant for a human rights delegation in Rwanda through Global Youth Connect, a non-profit organization dedicated to action for compassion, human rights, and global responsibility.  In July 2011, I will be traveling to Rwanda where I will meet with other youth from all walks of life in forming a “Learning Action Community”.  This program is designed for young leaders committed to the promotion of human rights and social justice.  This letter is not only to inform you about this amazing adventure I am about to embark on, but also to seek your financial support.  
When most people think of Rwanda today, the first thing that comes to mind is the 1994 genocide.  More than a decade later, millions of Rwandans continue to face the aftermath. While any given day there will be little mention of anything related to the genocide, memories of the genocide remain highly visible. From thousands of prisoners in pink suits awaiting trial, to the painful absence of loved ones in nearly all families, Rwandans must face the genocide every day.  However, there is evidence of healing. Rwandans are striving to rebuild the bonds of trust that were shattered by the violence in 1994 and trying to live without fear and depression. This healing process will most likely be one that lasts for generations.
This program that I will be participating in is designed to facilitate cross-cultural communication and understanding, increase knowledge concerning specific human rights issues and the impacts of violent conflict on society and culture.  The ultimate goal of the program is the empower and equip youth, from across the globe, to make a profound positive difference in the world.  I am so excited to have this opportunity to learn first hand about Rwanda.  I will receive human rights training and contribute through discussion and service with a local Rwandan non-profit organization.  Upon my return, I plan to share what I have learned in order to demonstrate how everyday people can become more aware and contribute to social justice issues.  If you would like to learn more about the Rwanda 2011 Youth Delegation please feel free to check out
The total cost of participating in this program is $5,000.  This cost will include the program fees, airfare, and living expenses in Rwanda.  Although I have some personal savings, I am seeking support from my family, friends and community.  I think that this will be a life changing experience for me, one that will indeed follow me throughout my life, impacting not only my community, but the country at large. If you are interested in making a financial contribution or would like to donate frequent flyer miles, please contact me directly to make arrangements.  Unfortunately, only American citizens will be eligible for a tax deductible donation. Thank you so much for your consideration to support me on this adventure.  
With love, 

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